Documentary reveals plunder of billion-dollar mines in Panjshir Province

The underground wealth of Afghanistan is estimated to be worth more than 1 trillion (1,000,000,000,000) dollars. Some experts believe it is several times more than this amount. In an article on the mines of Afghanistan, Professor Michel Chossudovsky quotes the analysis by the World Bank and writes: “…the Ainak copper production alone could eventually capture as much as 2 percent of the annual world market.” He further adds:

“Geological surveys conducted by the Soviet Union in the 1970s and early 1980s confirm the existence of vast reserves of copper (among the largest in Eurasia), iron, high grade chrome ore, uranium, beryl, barite, lead, zinc, fluorspar, bauxite, lithium, tantalum, emeralds, gold and silver. (Afghanistan, Mining Annual Review, The Mining Journal, June, 1984). These surveys suggest that the actual value of these reserves could indeed be substantially larger than the one trillion dollars “estimate” intimated by the Pentagon-USCG-USAID study.”

Afghans protest court ruling in mob killing of woman

Source: AP; July 6, 2015

Afghans protest court ruling in mob killing of woman

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Dozens of Afghans have rallied to denounce last week's court ruling that overturned the death sentences for four men convicted for taking part in the mob killing of a woman outside a Kabul shrine in March.

The protesters, mostly members of the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan and women activists, staged Monday's protest outside of the same shrine where Farkhunda Malikzada was killed by mob.

Many carried posters of the slain woman and shouted, "We want justice!"

Abdullah and Ghani

For many days the only news we hear from every corner of Afghanistan is that of increased fighting and insecurity, and how the Taliban and ISIL terrorists are advancing with every passing day. The people of Afghanistan have become fed up with this wave of instability and bloodshed. I was listening to the news on Afghanistan today (June 3, 2015) and each and every report described the disastrous situation in Afghanistan, and that it is sinking deeper in the quagmire of corruption, injustice, and war. While the corrupt heads of government are still fighting over the official posts, the current news shows that the national ‘terror’ government is dragging Afghanistan to another deadlock. However, this was foreseeable.

A small example that shows the bleak situation is today’s headlines on Tolo TV and One TV:

Prisoners raped by dogs, the ‘modern’ torture techniques of the US

The recent publication of documents by Senator Dianne Feinstein detailing the torture techniques and abuse of prisoners by the CIA, has once again exposed the nasty and criminal nature of the bloodthirsty US government. A brief overview of the documents shows that CIA officers are savage sadists whose lust for inflicting suffering is satisfied by tying up, beating, and killing others. Any person who knows the bloody history of US invasions and interventions knows well that the US-installed military dictators and stooges in every corner of the world use inhumane torture methods as a weapon to intimidate their people and suppress uprisings. What interested me in this regard was a book called ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’ by German journalist and politician Juergen Todenhoefer which is a memoir of his trip to Afghanistan and to Bagram prison in particular. Such rare books that expose the policies of imperialist countries are usually buried in the heap of pro-US books and forgotten.

Sample of Afghan electronic ID Card

A few months back, rumors of electronic ID card covered everywhere. The Afghan Government, especially Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MC&IT) called it “a big achievement”; members of parliament and senate attacked each other on the face to mention or not to mention the ethnic information on the ID cards; but the point that no one paid attention to, is the hidden aspects of this “big success”: who uses the information of Afghan citizens which come through the ID cards?

Apparently, the electronic ID card project, which works via Electronic ID Card Distribution Authority, was started in 2008 by MC&IT & later on Ministry of Interior Affairs (MoIA) also joined the project. To display it as national project, at start it was announced that its budget will be funded from Afghan Government Development Budget. Later, MoIA wrote on its website that International Community will provide USD115 million, covering 95% of the project’s budget.

Gulbuddin and Qutubudin: two faces of a single coin.

The bragging and boasting and lies of the eleven presidential candidates are continuously streamed by the media these days. The people with such grave and notorious pasts are trying to prove themselves as national figures who are looking for the best interest of their motherland, and these acts fill everyone with rage and hatred. The infected media is also taking these childish games seriously and are trying to keep the hype of the elections ablaze. The major media outlets are broadcasting the censored and well-rehearsed views of the people to poison the public opinion. They portray the people as if they are drowning in happiness for the presidential elections and are restlessly counting down to the day of voting. With slogans like ‘let’s build a bright future  by participating in the elections’, ‘your vote, your future’, ‘one vote will determine your future’, they are trying to brainwash our people into believing that after the April 5th elections the doors of paradise will open for the Afghanistan and its people, and our country will find the road to building its future.

But the truth is that our people are tired and fed up of these repetitive and deceptive games and have understood better than those inert, Dollar-receiving analysts that they can have no expectations of ‘change’, ‘transition’, ‘reform’, ‘prosperity’, and other cheap slogans raised by these candidates as our people know them very well. When you talk to people, you hear things that show the depth of their understanding of these trickeries, but we cannot find our nation’s true words in the mainstream media. Our people have learned from experience that elections in the presence of criminals who have already given their trial and failed, who are traitors, corrupt and destroyers of our country will not change anything to benefit the people. If you talk to people in villages and cities and markets you will hear things like ‘the person the US wants will win’, ‘the next president has already been chosen’, and ‘I will not waste my time by voting’, hundreds of times.

Obama and Karzai

In the last decade of 20th century, on 1st January 2000, there was a lot of hue and cry about an unpredictable technical fault in computerized systems, all the computer networks were failing and foreseen to have dire consequences: the water and electricity distribution systems, railways, airlines, lifts and postal systems have been disrupted and people may face serious problems and even cause death of some individuals. This coding problem, famously named Y2K was so propagated and hyped about that people of the developed countries, gripped in fear and terror, started storing food and water.

The big corporations manufacturing computer equipments fanned these rumors the most and encouraged people to buy new computer products devoid of this problem and prepare themselves for the year 2000 and in this way, the capitalist giants made huge profits.

On 1st January 2000, most people stayed indoors to avoid any unpredictable accidents, but practically no signs of the hyped and falsely predicted catastrophes were seen, and the day went fine.

Sima Samar: Forgive War Criminals

Recently, Sima Samar, chairperson of the Afghanistan (non)Independent Human Rights Commission requested the victims of the past three decades of war to forgive the war criminals. She made this plea when the death list of 5000 victims of the treacherous Russian stooges had been released, and had left the families and relatives in deep sorrow. She made this appeal at a time when a dozen of the worst perpetrators and cause of the demolishment and murder of our oppressed people, have queued in the elections to take over Arg – presidential palace, and prepared to straddle our people once more.

These criminals with their blood-stained hands and grave past, claim to be heroes and are not even ready to fake an apology to our people. They can only be forgiven by people who were their partners in crime or whose consciences have been bought by the money paid by the war criminals or their foreign masters. Ms. Samar should know that the false apologies of these criminals will never be accepted by our people. One of them issues a so-called apology and then expects the people to accept him as a vice-president!

SPA Demonstration Condemning Dark Days of 8th and 7th Saur - 28th and 27th April

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Afghanistan Solidarity Party (ASP) on Friday denounced the communist and Taliban regimes as well as the mujahideen for the country’s destruction.

The party staged a rally, attended by a thousand people, in front of the Russian Embassy in Kabul, against the 1978 coup and the subsequent Soviet occupation of the country.

The People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan came to power as a result of the coup that resulted in the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union, which faced fierce resistance from the people.

Years of jihad and great sacrifice eventually led to the expulsion of the Soviet forces from Afghanistan in February 1989. Three years later, Afghan political parties agreed on the Peshawar Accords which established the Islamic State of Afghanistan and appointed an interim government.

Afghanistan Election

The question remains, what exactly is democracy? In the abstract liberal democratic sense what is occurring, what has been occurring in Afghanistan has been foremost non-existent. Parliamentarians specifically, Malalai Joya have been silenced by the government in Afghanistan (The Northern Alliance) and have received death threats by the Karzai clique. In Afghanistan, the majority of parliament has been made up of former human rights abusers and warlords who have been guilty of various crimes, their rise to power is distinct through their not-so-kosher economic interests which includes the opium trade in Afghanistan. What has been given to Afghanistan in the past 13 years, is not democracy even in the abstract sense. It is an illusion of such rife with corruption and anti-democratic suppression.

In the case of Afghanistan, what has not been offered has not been democracy. It has been a riggery of elections, the Karzai clique turning Afghanistan into a narco-state protected by US force, warlordism sponsored by NATO and with the inverse Islamic fundamentalists. There is something to note about the Northern Alliance: The Northern Alliance were notoriously corrupt which is the reason that during the inner conflict between the Mujahideen, the Northern Alliance lost territory to the Taliban due to the fact of pedophilia involving young boys, rapes and extortion. When the Taliban took control of the majority of Afghanistan these things disappeared, yet, the brutality of the Taliban much like their Mujahideen counterparts in Afghanistan was still present. Twelve years on from the occupation, the conditions still remain the same with the same forces of the Northern Alliance, ever so corrupt exploiting the Afghan people in line with their NATO backers.


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