The Demagogic Hue and Cries of 2014 Achieved Its Objectives

Obama and Karzai

In the last decade of 20th century, on 1st January 2000, there was a lot of hue and cry about an unpredictable technical fault in computerized systems, all the computer networks were failing and foreseen to have dire consequences: the water and electricity distribution systems, railways, airlines, lifts and postal systems have been disrupted and people may face serious problems and even cause death of some individuals. This coding problem, famously named Y2K was so propagated and hyped about that people of the developed countries, gripped in fear and terror, started storing food and water.

The big corporations manufacturing computer equipments fanned these rumors the most and encouraged people to buy new computer products devoid of this problem and prepare themselves for the year 2000 and in this way, the capitalist giants made huge profits.

On 1st January 2000, most people stayed indoors to avoid any unpredictable accidents, but practically no signs of the hyped and falsely predicted catastrophes were seen, and the day went fine.

But in those years few people in Afghanistan had access to computers to spread this fear, but today we witness similar hullabaloos by every national and foreign analyst and politician, scaring people from the ‘advent of the year 2014’ as if Afghanistan and its people would lose their very existence!

For a long time, the government officials and the so-called ‘political analysts’ and ‘political commentators’ are discussing the obstacles and crisis of 2014 on all television channels and radio stations and maneuver debates and analysis to the conclusion that withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan would be disastrous for its people and cause irrecoverable crisis.

The famous imperialist institutions are also researching and analyzing and release false and deceiving surveys and statistics as if after year 2014, Afghanistan would face a civil war, economic crisis, insecurity etc. and eventually dismantle and collapse. They underline the threats from the Taliban, Pakistan and Iran much more serious and intense than reality, thus fueling further distrust. US secretly signed a pact with Pakistan to bombard Afghanistan and itself be an impartial spectator and petrify our war-stricken people that in the absence of the US, this will be the inevitable fate of the country each day.

US uses its media in enslaving countries, a weapon stronger and more influential than its atomic power and in Afghanistan it used this weapon to prepare grounds for signing the bondage treaty, the results of which we saw in the ‘Consultative Loya Jirga’ some days back.

The main objective of this propaganda and poisoning minds and terrifying people from war and destruction is to make them voluntarily fully consent to the permanent presence of the US and in this way, forcing people into submission is easier and Afghanistan becomes US’s skip board and its central powerful armament machine in Asia. By permanently establishing itself in Afghanistan, the US enjoys an advantageous regional strategy over China and Russia, the major threat to this superpower and guarantees its own future by sacrificing our homeland and people.

Scaring people with the year 2014 and making a monster out of its consequences is only one aspect of this matter and US has cunningly and deviously continued other ways to make our people even more miserable. It fueled the ethnical and linguistic enmities through its Afghan hirelings; brought the most infamous, already tested elements and lackeys of foreign countries into power and systemically transformed Afghanistan into the most corrupt nation run by the dirtiest government in the history of mankind; empowered the criminal warlords; revived feudalism; raised opium cultivation and drugs trade to unprecedented rates and made Afghanistan the capital of mafia as we recently witnessed Afghanistan make a new world record in 2013; and funded Taliban and other circles of killers behind closed doors, thus increasing insecurity and terrorism.

US uses its media in enslaving countries, a weapon stronger and more influential than its atomic power and in Afghanistan it used this weapon to prepare grounds for signing the bondage treaty, the results of which we saw in the ‘Consultative Loya Jirga’ some days back.

The US has misused the ignorance and illiteracy of our people the most. Unfortunately our people are unaware of the brutalities and atrocities of the US in other parts of the world, the miseries and sufferings of other countries under its occupation, the great international movements against US bullying and nurturing criminals, the main objectives of the US for establishing its bases in our country and the international dealings of the superpowers and their collusions. In all these matters, the media feeds contradictory and deviating information to people and instead of exposing the truths of the world, they digress people’s minds by airing cheap and vulgar dramas and films.

If the US has military bases in other countries of the world, it faces a huge wave of protests and resistance, but here in Afghanistan we see that by blindfolding and staging demagogic fights, it was successful to prepare all its lackeys to promptly and unconditionally sign the pact as we witnessed the handpicked agents of the puppet government of Karzai voting for this ridiculous and in contrast with accepted international standards pact against independence, territorial integrity and national interests in the ‘Consultative Loya Jirga’.

People of Afghanistan will never attain prosperity and promises of jam tomorrow made by the US and its lackeys and instability, war and killings, corruption, poverty, human catastrophes and the ever-growing Mafia society will continue and become even worse than today. The war-mongering US has proved this reality in many parts of the world.

Most of the supporters of the US bases argue that this pact would prevent terrorism and interventions of neighboring countries especially Pakistan. But Karzai in his Loya Jirga speech openly stated that the key to peace is in the hands of the US and if it wants, our country will be stabilized in a day. This means that in the past 12 years US purposely kept Afghanistan in a war and turmoil to strengthen its foundation for a permanent military establishment. Who does not know that Taliban was a reserved army of the US that came into power based on a plan and strategy of Pentagon. Benazir Bhutto, nicknamed ‘godmother of Taliban’ herself exposed this point. US along with ISI of Pakistan supported and used Taliban’s threat as a road-roller to prolong and stabilize its military presence. It is ridiculous to think that Pakistan government, which is in the top pockets of the US, can do such a heinous and treacherous action without its master’s indications and support.

People of Afghanistan will never attain prosperity and promises of jam tomorrow made by the US and its lackeys and instability, war and killings, corruption, poverty, human catastrophes and the ever-growing Mafia society will continue and become even worse than today. The war-mongering US has proved this reality in many parts of the world.

The words of Mir Ghulam Mohammad Ghobar, a patriotic and struggling intellectual of Afghanistan, accurately describe our current situation and show an honorable solution:

‘Strangers occupy the country and trample independence, disarm and disintegrate a nation and invent and develop terms like minority, various languages and various sects; to the point that one brother does not recognize the other, and if they do, they see each other as enemies based on Shiite, Uzbek, Tajik, Afghan, and Hazara differences. All these are the products of the colonial policies. The foreigners want that the country of their interest should always be ignorant, poor and coward and be partially administered from behind the scenes so the basis for their liquidation and dissolving is laid down and if that nation does not give in to such a disgrace, the colonial policy is forced to give up their hypocrisy and then openly draw a sword out. Both these situations are favorable to the nation because in the first one, they are saved from the deceit and conspiracies of the enemy whereas in the second one they fight them in a battlefield and are never deceived by their hypocrisy. In both these states, it is the obligation of the nation to prove their rights for life and independence to the colonial foreigners and make them understand that they expect no help despite the grieves and sufferings of the nation and pinning hopes to the foreigner is just like a lamb taking refuge with a wolf.’ Watan, Vol. 38, 13 Qaus 1330 (December 5, 1951)


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