Rohani’s son committed suicide; do sons of Afghan criminal leaders have the audacity to do the same?

Rohani’s son committed suicide; do sons of Afghan criminal leaders have the audacity to do the same?

Sons of criminals and corrupt Afghan officials are undeservedly occupying senior posts of diplomats, advisors or deputy ministers. They do not feel ashamed of their fathers’ treacherous lives, and continue on their footsteps. While, given access to modern science and knowledge, the new generation is expected to have a more sensitive take of history, one that reflects some degree of shame with regards to their ancestral footprints, the case of Afghanistan and its new generation lives to the aphorism of like father like son. There are examples to the contrary, of off springs that rightly so, perceived it to be a shameful act to follow on the steps of their fathers:

Rohani with KhomeniRohani with Khomeni

In 1992, while a student in London, Mohammad Faraidoon, son of Hassan Rohani, Iran’s current president, committed suicide at the age of 23. Although the Iranian regime projected it as a case of broken heart and Rohani himself condemned it as an act against the tenants of Islam, it was his leaked letter to media that revealed the reality of Rohani’s dark life to be the real motivation behind Faraidoon’s suicide. The Arabic daily “AlSharqul Awsat” published Faraidoon’s suicide letter, which was also covered by the New York Post edition of June 20, 2013, stating:

"I hate your government, your lies, your corruption, your religion, your double standard and your hypocrisy, I was forced to lie to my friends each day, telling them that my father isn’t part of all of this. Telling them my father loves this nation, whereas I believe this to be untrue. It makes me sick seeing you, my father, kiss the hand of [Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei."

Of course, we do not expect Fraidoon’s level of audacity from the off springs of Afghan criminal leaders. But what is hoped is that they would at least refuse to follow their fathers’ footprints.

Although the educational systems of developed countries have found ways of defying the odds of this saying, “a wolf pup grows to be a wolf, even if raised by a human,” and have transformed their wolf pups, Afghanistan is far from catching up, where wolves making decisions in the country’s educational sector have decided to erase the past 40 years of its dark history, and thus facilitate its eventual but painful repetition. In Afghanistan, the corrupt mafia gives its wolf pups the titles of General, Advisor and Diplomat, thus actively encouraging their eventual becoming of wolves.

Michael Moore’s recent movie “Where to Invade Next” offers enlightening lessons regarding the role of the educational system in shaping the cognizance of German youth of Nazi crimes. The people of Germany have a critical take of their history, educating their youth about their shameful history, thus averting its repetition ever. They are proud of their Albert Einstein and ashamed of their Hitler and Goebbles simultaneously, and their current generation feels equally responsible for what their ancestors carried out decades ago.

The off springs of Afghan criminal leaders, if left with any conscience, should redeem themselves by separating their path from their fathers’. Otherwise, history’s judgment of the likes of Habib-ul Rahman Hekmatyar, Taqi Khalili, Habib-ul Rahman Sayaaf, Mohmmad Ali Muhaqeq or Adeeb Fahim will not waver.


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