Predictions that have been confirmed

Abdullah and Ghani

For many days the only news we hear from every corner of Afghanistan is that of increased fighting and insecurity, and how the Taliban and ISIL terrorists are advancing with every passing day. The people of Afghanistan have become fed up with this wave of instability and bloodshed. I was listening to the news on Afghanistan today (June 3, 2015) and each and every report described the disastrous situation in Afghanistan, and that it is sinking deeper in the quagmire of corruption, injustice, and war. While the corrupt heads of government are still fighting over the official posts, the current news shows that the national ‘terror’ government is dragging Afghanistan to another deadlock. However, this was foreseeable.

A small example that shows the bleak situation is today’s headlines on Tolo TV and One TV:

If the nation does not learn the necessary lessons from these events, they will continue to fall prey to the schemes of national traitors and stooges of foreign powers.

1. The World Justice Project has said in its annual report that measures rule of law and effectiveness of justice systems in all the countries that Afghanistan’s position in rule of law has declined from the previous year. The report also named Afghanistan as the most corrupt country in the world.

2. A report by the Independent Joint Anti-Corruption Monitoring and Evaluation Committee shows that a mafia group in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs embezzles billions of Afghanis that belong to the disabled every year. Also, another report was published by this committee about the appointment of officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It states that in the previous and current government, most of the posts that were given in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were given on the basis of personal relations between government officials, powerful figures and members of the parliament. It also stated that several people who have diplomatic positions in the ministry are not qualified for the post.

3. Zalmai Zabuli, the head of the Afghan Senate's complaints committee, has published evidence that shows that 340,000 USD is embezzled in the Ministry of Defense every month. The money is stated to be for the security of minesweepers. He claimed that this money is pocketed by several generals.

4. Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) has warned that the cultivation and production of drugs is on the rise in Afghanistan, and that since the Global Alliance led by the US overthrew the Taliban in 2001 the level of production of this lethal substance has increased 50-fold.

5. Teachers in Kabul are on a strike. Three days back, this strike started from Habibia High School and has spread to other schools by now. The teachers are protesting because the president has not fulfilled any of the promises he made to the teachers. On the first day the school session started, the president promised teachers that in addition to other benefits, all teachers will get a piece of land in the next six months. No action has been taken in this regard until now.

6. Human Rights Research and Advocacy Consortium (HRRAC), a civil society group that has studied sixty mines in different provinces and documented its findings stated that lack of rights; absence of safety clothing, safety equipment, and rescue teams; lack of proper food and transportation; pollution inside in the mines, toxic gases, lack of oxygen; and bullying by the employers have all made the conditions for the mine workers an appalling one.

7. After the killing of six workers of an aid agency in Zarey district of Balkh province by unknown gunmen, Amnesty International has condemned these killings and said that the Afghan government needs to take further steps to ensure the safety of aid agency workers.

A placard in a protest by the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan’s held to condemn the dark days of 28th and 27th April reads ‘Elections in an occupied, corrupt, and mafia country is the mockery of democracy!’.
May 2, 2014: A placard in a protest by the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan’s held to condemn the dark days of 28th and 27th April reads ‘Elections in an occupied, corrupt, and mafia country is the mockery of democracy!’. Members of the party called the elections a false show that was held to ensure the continuing domination of criminals under the shadow of occupation.

But considering the anti-people nature of Abdullah and Ghani’s teams, this situation was easily predictable. Before this rotten current government had come to power and when a group of so-called intellectuals were trying to portray these mafia groups as savior angels, had concluded:

“But even the most uninformed people of Afghanistan know that it does not matter whether Abdullah is crowned in Arg or Ashraf Ghani is, the US’s scheme will deteriorate the situation to such an extent that soon everyone will say that the previous government was better than this one. What is certain is the fact that whichever one of them wins, it is our nation which will lose. Corruption, misery, poverty, and injustice will grow worse than it was under Karzai’s mafia regime.”

And in another article that was published on this website before the mafia elections:

“Maybe Karzai’s cloak will now lie on Ashraf Ghani’s shoulders and the responsibility of implementing the West’s policies in Afghanistan will pass on from one lackey to another, but the nature of the ruling apparatus will not change at all. Our people will continue to be crushed by corruption, insecurity, poverty, and crimes. However, this political show will teach the people of Afghanistan a big lesson so they can correctly distinguish between democracy and ‘dollar-cracy”.

Increasing corruption and injustice is the natural result of a mafia ruling system. Those who have assessed the situation in the past according to these despots’ shameful actions and not their deceitful speeches and false promises, have not been deceived and had predicted the current situation before the government had even come to power. For example in an article published on June 12, 2014 in

“The main point is that there is not one new person in these teams. All these people have been tried in the past thirteen years as they served as the nut and bolt of the most corrupt government in the world. Therefore, it is certain that the future government of Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah will be more corrupt and useless than the current government, and the claims and promises of the election teams of Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah will be nothing but white lies. The kings of corruption will continue to play a cardinal role in the new government.”

The ridiculous ‘appointments’, the squabble that lasted for months over the results, the submission of these rulers to John Kerry, and ultimately the imposition of a crippled government composed of corrupt and anti-people figures on our nation are all lessons we should learn from. Unfortunately, in the absence of a powerful pro-people force the unfortunate people’s memory is short-termed. If the nation does not learn the necessary lessons from these events, they will continue to fall prey to the schemes of national traitors and stooges of foreign powers.

A nation that does not learn from its history is always condemned to its repetition.


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