Safa Has Gone, But his Path Will Continue!

Safa Ahmad

Safa Ahmad, 17, who had tasted the bitter taste of poverty, was trying to learn tirelessly to serve his people. His passion and love for a better future was so high which didn’t match his age. But unfortunately, the criminals, who are used weapon, and trying to control the pride the human beings in everywhere and can’t tolerate ambitious people like Safa, killed him during a verbal quarrel, to stop the plant of freedom to grow up.

Safa Ahmad (23 June 1997 – 27 July 2014), studied in grade 11 and one of the active youths of SPA, was killed by three vagrants. Solidarity Party of Afghanistan – SPA expresses its condolences to Safa’s family, friends and all SPA members and sympathizers for the martyrdom of this indomitable and conscious youth, and is resolute to change the sorrows into the power.

Safa Ahmad was born in Haibatkhel Village, Saidkhel District of Parwan Province, in a poor family whose whole income was composed of annual agricultural products of 1-2 hectares of land. He was still in his childhood, when Taliban attacked Shamili Valley (north of Kabul) with full brutality. Safa’s family sought refuge to Panshir Valley, then to Tagab District and finally Nimruz (a western province of the country in border with Iran). The poverty and displacement of his family, forced Safa to spend his childhood play times as vendor and selling Bolani – a tradition Afghan bread with vegetables toppings, along with his elder brother to earn some money for their family’s survival.

Safa in SPA demonstration
23rd July 2014: Safa Ahmad in SPA’s demonstration defending residents of Gaza and Urgon.

After the collapse of Taliban regime, they returned to their village in hope for peace, but everything had altered. Frightening surroundings, ruined house and bare farmland, had made the life difficult for them. So they restarted everything from scratch for a better future.

Safa received SPA’s publications through a friend and continued to study monthly publication of SPA and other political and social readings to heal his people’s pain via progressive political consciousness. Therefore, when one of his friends was collecting his possessions after his death, was saying that he found Hambastagi Ghag – Voice of Solidarity (monthly publication of SPA) Volume No. 18 and 19, and Hamasa-e-Muqawomat – Legendary of Resistance (Memoir of Ashraf Dehghani’s imprisonment during Shah’s regime), besides his school text books.

Safa was an intelligent and ingenious youth. He had proposed to party’s provincial representative that he will prepare some topics from SPA publications and will give lectures on it in his own village and villages’ schools and mosques to raise awareness of the people. Additionally, he had planned to convert one of his family’s room into a small library, so he and other youth can take advantage this opportunity. His mother is saying that he used to study till midnight and one day prior to Eid, his teacher had called him that he has got first position in the midterm exams.

Safa was playing an active role in party’s different activities, demonstrations and protest, and wanted to be one of the pioneers. In the recent protest of SPA defending people of Gaza and Urgon, he wrote to one of his party comrades:

“Hi, I will arrive late. Make sure to keep a placard for me, because I want to be in the first row.”

On 27th July 2014, Safa along with his brother and father were moving his mother to the hospital, when he and his father were shot by one of their villagers named Raqib S/O Sardar Khan, and his two brothers, Fahim and Faiq. Safa was killed by a Kalashnikov bullet, hitting his nick. His father was injured in the head and after twenty days of hospitalization, he died as well.

Safa's SMS
Screenshot of Safa’s SMS.

In the past Raqib, assassin of Safa, was one of the local commanders of Shura-e-Nezar (a militant organization established and headed by Ahmad Shah Masoud). The seven made-in-Pakistan and eight made-in-Iran fundamentalist parties had distributed weapons amongst the local thugs, following the policy: bullet is coming out of its barrel and food is coming out of its boot. Raqib, alike other warlords, was tithing the villagers and had grabbed the farmlands of those villagers living in Kabul city, claiming that they have connection with Taliban. Raqib continued with his bullying until he and his two brothers were introduced to National and Border Police through DDR (Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration) and DIAG (Disbandment of Illegal Armed Groups) programs. This time his vulgarism got an official face.

A road, crossing besides Raqib’s house, which is connecting some villages to the main road of the district, was built by NSP (National Solidarity Program). This thug had announced to all villagers that he will not allow any vehicle to cross the road and in the past he had some verbal quarrel with Safa’s family. Raqib, equipped with Kalashnikov, and his two brothers with pistols, block the car taking the patient to the hospital but when Safa’s father insists, they shot at him with the pistol and Raqib shot at Safa with Kalashnikov (the Kalashnikov had been issued to him by government). After committing the crime, the killers escaped and it is said that now they have been refuged by a warlord in Parwan.

Recently, Abdullah’s team has distributed 30-50 thousands weapon to the thugs and vagrants in the three districts of Parwan, including Saidkhel District, on the eve of election’s result announcement, as he wanted to announce his alternative government. The scandal was so fusty that even Parwan’s Governor, Basir Salangi, couldn’t deny the distribution of weapons and recent insecurities in the province, during an interview with Tolo TV, broadcasted on 6th August 2014.

Members of SPA vow to the pure blood of Safa, that they will continue his path resolutely. We believe that we can take his revenge from the wolves that nourish thugs such as Raqib.

We endear his memories and hope to have more follower in his path!

Safa Poster


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