Afghan People Are Still Burning in the Inferno Set Ablaze by the 7th and 8th Saur Criminals

Afghan People Are Still Burning in the Inferno Set Ablaze by the 7th and 8th Saur Criminals

7th and 8th Saur are those two shameful days of our history that still burn our people in their fire, and have given birth to new kinds of criminals, ignorant people, and traitors. These are two odious days that the people of this land wish never had existed so that they could escape remembering its horrifying memories every year: memories of a bloody coup, the disappearance and killing of tens and thousands of innocent people, torture and live burials, destruction of and fleeing from Russian bombs, and tolerating the insults in Iran and Pakistan as refugees. Our people had dreamt of a better tomorrow after the Russian exit, but the killers of 8th Saur clutched our ill-fortunate Afghanistan and its people in its bloody claws and perpetrated crimes worse than those committed by the Russians, thus only adding to those painful memories: every street of Kabul had become a fighting front; public offices were looted in the very first days; 70-year-old mothers and small children were raped; watching a woman give birth became entertainment for gunmen; Shukira, Nahid, and hundreds of women and girls were killed; a genocide was committed in Afshar; nails were driven into skulls; the “killer’s dance” became a form of entertainment; prisoners were fed urine; people were burned alive in containers; the most traitorous and shameful actions were carried out against our Hindu and Sikh compatriots and their properties seized; factories and arms were sold at the price of scrap metal to Pakistan; Kabul became a city of ghosts; the country burned in the fire of tribal, regional, linguistic, and sectarian divisions; the blood-soaked hands of Iran and Pakistan’s reactionary governments were given an open to intervene in our country, and hundreds of other crimes, treachery and deceit were committed. After enduring the medieval Taliban’s despotism, our people were bombed by the US and its allies who imposed these criminals upon them once more, only this time these criminals joined hands with their 27th April criminal partners. With bags of Dollars, these criminals, who have changed their appearance but retain their reactionary nature, have continued their treachery, oppression, and corruption for the past decade and a half.

Kabul citizens threw red dye and tore billboards carrying pictures of Gulbuddin.
Kabul citizens threw red dye and tore billboards carrying pictures of Gulbuddin.

However, this year, the ominous photos of the ‘butcher of Kabul’ – Gulbuddin Hekmatyar – is hanging in every corner of the city, and these painful memories weigh heavier upon the people of Kabul than usual. Fortunately, a group of conscionable youngsters tore up his photos and splashed ink and garbage on them before “Rocket-yar’s” arrival, proving that even if the US tries to use its creations for so-called “peace”, our nation will not accept these degenerate criminals. The city that still hears the deafening crashes of Gulbuddin’s rockets, and is haunted by nightmares of the cries of injured children, women, and men, will never tolerate this lackey of foreign nations. The US and its puppet government may succeed in settling this murderer in some corner of Kabul for some time with the millions of Dollars given by the EU for his comfort and an army of bodyguards armed to teeth, but he is now this decadent carcass who will remain in hiding from fear of prosecution by our nation.

7th and 8th Saur are dark days with painful memories that cannot be erased by changing the appearance of its perpetrators. Getting justice is the vital condition to heal the deep wounds of our nation and the only way we can attain true peace. Those who talk of “forgetting” and “forgiving” either do not know anything of our history or are mercenaries of the current colonialism and reactionary. The history of the world teaches us that war mongers who serve other countries do not bring the message of peace. To end war and destruction, these agents must be prosecuted and punished, even if this huge task takes a long time and lots of effort.

The Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA) sees the consciousness, mobilization, and struggle of the people of Afghanistan as the only way out of this quagmire. No outside force and its indigenous puppets can rescue us from this catastrophe. The key to our liberation is in our own hands. Therefore, we call upon all progressive and freedom-fighting organizations and figures, to fight to raise consciousness and mobilize our oppressed nation by accepting the dangers and hardships, and force the foreign forces and their lackeys to surrender. The day our nation awakens, will be the last day these murderers will rule. We have to walk this path fearlessly and give sacrifices, because every drop of blood shed on the path of attaining independence, freedom, justice and democracy, will brighten the horizon of our people’s struggle.

Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA)

28 April 2017


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