Commemorating Third Year of Farkhunda’s Lynching

Commemorating Third Year of Farkhunda’s Lynching

Kabul; March 17, 2018: A group of Hambastagi members gathered in front of Farkhunda monument to commemorate the third year of this innocent girl being lynched. The protestors had the placards in their hands, condemning the crime against Farkhunda, Rukhshana, Shukria Tabasum, victims of Mirzaolang massacre and many other women victims of oppression and atrocity. The placards carried texts: “Until and unless the treacherous criminals aren’t depowered, everyday another Farkhunda will be the victim!” “The painful moans of Rukhshana, calls every wakeful conscience for struggle!” “Dear Zahra, we wish you had burned the roots of Afghan women’s miseries, rather than committing suicide!” “I am a Hazara Pashtun, I will take the revenge of my beloved Shukria!” “Until and unless the US and its fundamentalist minions are ruling, there will be no end to the doomsdays of Afghan women!” “The chains of women’s servitude can only be broken by their struggle and resistance!” “The emancipation of women from the inferno of occupation, fundamentalism and patriarchy, is only possible through their own awareness, unity and struggle!”

Commemorating Third Year of Farkhunda’s Lynching

Dariush, a young member of Hambastagi, said:

“The Abdullah-Ghani government, their propaganda machine and a bunch of conscienceless youth as their mouthpiece are shamelessly trying to make our people forget the terror against Farkhunda. Even a bunch of so-called civil society activists started to fuss in the case to complete their funded projects, but as their external master and palace-lounging supporters don’t want them to talk about this case and secondly this project doesn’t bring them any fund, so they chose the contempt silence. But how we can forget this crime, when everyone, especially women, of this country don’t better life than Farkhunda, and the treacherous high ranking officials are involved in these brutalities. The government is throwing dust into the eyes of people in every possible way, however by resistance and struggle, we should do something that these crimes are not forgotten, and the arch-criminals, not the tenth degree perpetrators, should be prosecuted, so we shouldn’t face such crime against women in the future.”

Commemorating Third Year of Farkhunda’s Lynching

Khalida, a female member of the party, added:

“It is said that a nation which forgets its history must experience it again. We ask the Afghan people not to forget the lynching of Farkhunda and have a single voice for securement of real justice.”

Commemorating Third Year of Farkhunda’s Lynching

Another woman who is visiting the Farkhunda Monument every year on this day, said:

“In the past, these days were the days of joy and happiness because of the Nawruz and spring, however since Farkhunda was brutally killed on the eve of Nawruz, we don’t want the new year to come. I wish we didn’t had any new year but Farkhunda was alive.”

At the end, the protesters put a bunch of red roses at the foot of Farkhunda Monument to pay tribute to this innocent girl.

Commemorating Third Year of Farkhunda’s Lynching
Commemorating Third Year of Farkhunda’s Lynching


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