Torkham Border Clash and Misusing Patriotic Spirit of People

Torkham Border Clash and Misusing Patriotic Spirit of People

Since many days, the rumors of border clash between Afghan and Pakistan border forces in Torkham is spread everywhere. Going to war with Pakistan is a hot topic in social network site and especially in Facebook. Even the visuals of other irrelevant incidents are depicted as the recent border clash.

Afghanistan is an occupied country and according to official statistics more than 10 million people in the country are living under the poverty line; suicide attacks and explosion have become a routine and everyday take lives of our compatriots; instead of prosecuting war criminal, they sent to presidential palace; based on rankings of Transparency International, Afghanistan is the third most corrupt country in the world; the figures of World Health Organization shows that Afghanistan is the third country in the world highest mortalities of children under age of five; according to findings of UNFPA and UNICEF, Afghanistan is the first country in Asia and second in the world with highest rate of mothers mortality during pregnancy; it is the main producer of opium in the world and accommodates around 3.5 million addicts; its underground natural resources are mostly embezzled by the governmental warlords; the recent findings show that majority of Afghan People are dissatisfied with National Terror Government; and tens of other calamities.

The history of unjust wars show that sometimes the traitor and useless governments are banging the fake war and hostility with neighboring countries to hide their weakness and play with the patriotic spirit of their citizens.

On the other hand, Pakistan, besides being drowned in corruption, insecurity and political crises, is entangled in intense economic catastrophe, its citizens especially living in the forgotten provinces are spending hard times. The natural disasters of the recent years, are drifting people into quagmire, alike a ruthless monster. Flood, earthquake, famine and drought annually thread hundreds of thousand people to dead, with most of the victims are women and children. Every year, dozens of people commit mass suicide due to dire poverty. However, the traitor-raising government of Pakistan owns atomic weapon and most of its annual budget is spent on militarism, training and financing terrorism.

The history of unjust wars show that sometimes the traitor and useless governments are banging the fake war and hostility with neighboring countries to hide their weakness and play with the patriotic spirit of their citizens. Now the governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan, to distract public mentality and hide their countless betrayals, are starting a quarrel and fuss, and are befooling people, so behind its hubbub, they can calmly breath and continue with their wheeling and dealings and rapacity.

It is ridicules, those who are nursed by ISI or are cades of CIA, KGB and Vevak, today are hitting on the drum of war against Pakistan. The reactionary individuals and groups who were shouting to the top of their lungs defending Biliteral Security Agreement (BSA) and shamelessly putting their stamp on this traitor-to-country document, suddenly pull a new mask on their repugnant faces, shouting to defend motherland and national honors. The occupier is an occupier. May it be Pakistan or USA, and Russia or UK.

AWP and CMKP protest against massacre of school childern of APS by Taliban
AWP and CMKP protest against massacre of school childern of APS by Taliban

Alike Kashmir issue, Duran Line is the disastrous legacy of British colonialism, which until now is a source for hostility. Undoubtedly, our people and history consider Duran Treaty a national treason that was signed by the traitor emir – Abdul Rahman Khan. However, we must accept that the future of people in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan, who have a better social and economic situation than us, must be specified via a free and just referendum. For sure, this is possible when there are independent and popular governments in both countries. The brouhaha of Daud Khan (the first president of Afghanistan), Najibullah (the last president of Russians puppet regime in the country) and a number of current guys don’t mean defending the national interest of Afghanistan, but the tyrant and unpopular governments have always tried to misuse the patriotism of people and make the Durand Line as an excuse to distract the public attention from country’s despotic situation, so they can continue with their dictatorship. On the other hand, a bunch of local separatists consider the Durand Line a solved issue, not from point of rights of nations but nationalistic view that the union of these areas with Afghanistan will increase the percentage of Pashtuns in the country.

Another group think the main cause of Pakistani rulers middling and dirty acts against our people lies in Duran Line. However, it is totally a wrong thought. The government of Pakistan, in consensus with US and UK, is active in the region and since many years implements their project of raising terrorists. Pakistan has repeatedly announced, it considers the issue of Durand Line and ended problem and recently US has said that they consider this line as an official international border. Even if the government of Afghanistan officially accepts this line, it will have no effect on the current situation. The sanguinary and oppressing middling of Pakistani rulers, especially of its military, will continue in our country.

In case the Afghan-Pak war starts, the unfortunate mass of both countries, especially Afghanistan, will suffer from its causalities and economic disasters! If in this war, Gul Mohammad Laghmani is killed in this side of border, another Gul Mohammad will be killed on the other side of border as well, but not the son of Raheel Sharif or another ISI’s official. If the border closes down, the tormented Afghan patients will give up their life, not the children of Ghani and Abdullah, dwelling in their palaces in US, India, Dubai and other developed countries. The people will not be able to buy just some kilos of flavor not the palace-loungers, they are always enjoying their cookies. The grapes of Shamali Valley, apples of Ghazni, potatoes of Bamyan, melons of Kunduz, apricots of Ghorband, pomegranates of Kandahar and Farah will be rotten, who farmer has shed sweat for the whole year in hope of selling his products to pay last year’s debts and stay alive till next year.

Kabul - June 2013: Joint musical concert of Laal Band from Pakistan and Antz Band from Afghanistan in Kabul arranged by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan.
Kabul - June 2013: Joint musical concert of Laal Band from Pakistan and Antz Band from Afghanistan in Kabul arranged by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan.

It is the duty of popular and progressive individuals and forces of both countries, to raise the awareness of their masses, not to become the pray of the rulers who are trying to misuse the patriotism spirit, hiding their filthiness, and don’t be captivated. People should understand secrets of these games and think about it. Once Hitler said, “How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.” Then we must liberate the “fortunate” from claws of demagogic and robber rulers, by thinking and understanding the realities.

Any kind of war led by a traitor-to-nation, puppet and alien’s minion government, is not a patriotic war but a clash serving the corrupt leaders of both countries and their US and UK masters. People of both countries must arise, in solidarity and communion, against their traitor government and don’t let sons to be their cannon fodder. The recent incidents of Torkham, made some families to kneel in sorrow of losing their bread winner. No one will take care of these tormented families, but provided an opportunity for some compromising politicians to go to Torkham along with group of their bodyguards to take selfies, to exhibit themselves as popular and patriotic elements! It is not more ironic when they are boosting about defending motherland and country but on the other hand they are complaining, why US is not standing to defend their territorial integrity against Pakistan.

The people of Afghanistan can cut the blood-stained hands of Pakistani government and ISI from the country by breaking down the palaces of puppets, lounging in high official posts, not going to war of no benefit for the people. In this war, no country will be the winner or loser. The winners will be traitor rulers and loser will be the unfortunate people of both countries.


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