Let’s rise against the blood-sucker regime of Iran, the dirty enemy of nations!

SPA's Protest against the blood-sucker regime of iran

Mournful Compatriots!

The blood-sucker regime of Islamic Republic of Iran in continuation to her shameless and contumacious executions, once again committed terrible crime of shooting our defenseless compatriots in borderline of Nimrooz Province. These killed ones were not drug traffickers nor “spoilers”, but only defenseless workers who were going to Iran to do the most onerous jobs due to their poverty and distress. The bloodthirsty regime of Iran didn’t find the killings adequate, based on political games stopped the fuel to enter our country in order to purposely put our people under multiple pressures.

The brutish regime of Iran that has been converted into killing machine, is ahead of all sovereign and corrupt regimes, doesn’t show any pity on oppressed and freedom-loving people of Iran, and kills the prominent freedom-thinkers who haven’t knelt to sovereign religious durbar of Khmanaee/Ahmadi Nejat, puts them in frightening prisons or perishes them.

The recent overall evolutions and uprisings of awakened and freedom-loving students of Iran has made the assassin regime so nervous that now they throw hands in everywhere and have converted the country into prison of warriors and best children of Iran’s nation.

Interfering and firing the disastrous wars; arming and funding murderer gangs of Jehadis and Taliban; exporting fundamentalism’s virus; conspicuous occupation and advancing into borders of Afghanistan; having upper hand in drug trafficking; looting the profluent water of Helmand; provoking racial, lingual and ethnic hostilities; creating Taliban and growing traitors along with Hitleristic executions; imprisonment, torture and finally shooting at innocent people are the continuation of the shameful politics which is continued against our people in more than last thirty years. And one day the Mullah-Mafioso government of walayat faqih (“government of the theologian”) and their chained slaves must pay back for it.

The corrupt and slave regime of Kabul alike hundreds of neutral and ostentatious intellectuals who have hired with flatulence the round tables of radios and TVs, and nodding according to their master’s indication have also put absurd seal of silence on their lips and are busy in deals to get high seats and money. As recently the so called delegation went to Iran and once again signed on treacherous contract which actually was a move to legalize the traitor houses of Iran in the name of cultural relations, scholarships, recruitment of spies in the name professors and establishment of Iranian university in Afghanistan.

While the president and his close team is the workingman of this blood-sucker regime, when the parliament and cultural and governmental organizations are loaded with ostentatious spies of Iran and eventually when this regime has a upper hand in all high official posts, it is natural that the current government officials will remain coward spectators and will continue to admire such a regime which has been converted into a shame for humanity.

Solidarity Party of Afghanistan believes that any kind of appeal to corrupt government of Kabul to be predominating against neighbor countries like Iran and Pakistan and solve the tragedies of our people is futile and is like trying to crush water in crusher. Our people who are in one side the victims of occupant forces of America and NATO and on the other side they are oppressed by Jehadi and Taliban criminals, can only get liberated from internal frauds and crimes and foreign interferes if they unite without any racial, ethnic, lingual, religious and regional delineations against local motherland-mongers and criminals who providing the ground for encroachment and crimes of foreign countries.

Solidarity Party of Afghanistan asks repeatedly all the individuals and organizations defending freedom and democracy to raise their voices against the slaves and spies of Iran who are trying to spread the virus of walayat faqih fundamentalism; and don’t allow this sovereign regime to play with the fate of our people.

Once again, the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan expresses her deep communion with survivors of continuous executions of political prisoners whose fabulous resistance has been inspiration for us.

Our nation will never forget the crime and barbarism assassin of Islamic Republic of Iran against our powerless people and will not leave it unanswerable.

Down with autarchy, both in Kabul and Tehran!
Long live to solidarity of freedom loving forces of Iran and Afghanistan!

Solidarity Parity of Afghanistan
January 13, 2011



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