Unveiling of Shaheed Farkhunda Monument by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan

Unveiling of Shaheed Farkhunda Monument by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan

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17 March 2016, Kabul: After one year of the lynching of Afghan girl, Farkhunda, members and supporters of Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA) gathered to unveil the Sheheed Farkhunda Monument to be a symbol of seeking justice for emancipation and struggle of Afghan women from captivity of fundamentalism and occupation.

At the start of the event, Selay Ghaffar, Spokesperson of SPA, spoke of the plight of Afghan women under the rule of fundamentalists and puppet governments, called for their organization for freedom, democracy and social justice:

“One year has elapsed since the lynching of Farkhunda. They killed Farkhunda, but her name has changed into conscience of a group of people especially women. Farkhunda became the symbol of Afghan women’s innocence. Defending Farkhunda is indeed defending the unfortunate Afghan women who are trampled by the ignorance and wilderness of the brutal fundamentalists and their heart-breaking cries can be heard from all over the country.

From the very start, we were doubtful about the follow-up of Farkhunda’s Case by the stinky government of National Wilderness, and predicted that alike other cases such as Paghman Rape Case and especially those cases related to Afghan woman, the real perpetrators are set free, but the second and third-tier felons are put on trial.

Until and unless the crime and criminals from Taliban to Islamic fundamentalist parties and ISIS and pro-Gulbuddinis are not removed by the united people’s power, our people will never see all-out peace and security and will never attain stability and felicity. Let us break the silence with single voice for independence, freedom, democracy and social justice!”

Masoud Hassanzada of Ants Band, Wali Fateh Ali Khan and 99% Band sung and played protest songs related to killing of Farkhunda. Then the youths of SPA performed a street theater depicting the brutal killing of Farkhunda and the ridiculous “trial” by National Terror Government.

At the end, Shaheed Farkhunda Monument was unveiled by Najib Akbari, Head of Historical Documents of Afghanistan National Archives (a real national hero who all the time risked his life to save the documents), Masoud Hassanzada, Wali Fateh Ali Khan, Selay Ghaffar and a group of women.

Mr. Akbari said:

“The dear Farkhunda was beaten to death and then her body was burned. Some people become legend after their death. Farkhunda is one of them and therefore we are here to commemorate.”

The Solidarity Party of Afghanistan, together with a group of avant-garde freedom-loving people, and in the face of objections and hurdles raised by the abettors of those who crushed and mutilated Farkhunda, have succeeded in erecting a monument in her memory. The Shaheed Farkhunda monument will stand as a testimonial to the pledge of those who have vowed to fight relentlessly against the ignominy of ignorance, bigotry, misogyny and obscurantism, and for the emancipation of our land from savagery, treachery and injustice.


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