SPA gathering to condemn the release of Taliban prisoners by the puppet government of Afghanistan

SPA gathering

March 15, 2020 – Kabul: Today a group of SPA members gathered to condemn the release of Taliban prisoners by the puppet government of Afghanistan. The protestors, mostly women, were carrying the main slogan: “The nefarious dealing of US and its lackeys with the brutal Taliban and the release of thousands of Taliban viruses from the prisons is a national treason!” and additionally had raised the placards containing the texts: “The bloodthirsty Taliban even can’t be forgiven for destruction of the Buddha statues!” “The deal with the murderers of Zarmina, is the height of rascality!” “Peace with US masters, and jihad against our innocent people!” “The repetition of US treason: first imposing Jihadis and Taliban!” There were pictures of victims of crimes committed by Taliban.

At the start, the protestors were chanting slogans against the Taliban criminals, US occupiers and the puppet regime of Afghansitan. Later, Selay Ghaffar, Spokesperson of SPA, said:

“On one hand, we saw that the US and Allies signed the document of forgiving Taliban, and besides providing them with many facilities, now they are releasing the 5,000 bloodthirsty criminal on our oppressed people. We saw how they mocked the democracy. Abdullah can’t do anything with his show of making parallel government, he is doing this to stay in the power or get a share of the power.”

SPA gathering

Then, Zala, a female member of SPA, read some parts of the SPA’s statement in Pashto:

“Now that the US in accord with Taliban, besides providing many other facilities to them, is about to release 5,000 criminal Taliban prisoners, Ashraf Ghani, after his ears being pulled by US, once again crossed his dramatic “red line”, and in contradiction to all justice and human rights principles, will release 5,000 dangerous viruses on our people.

We believe that peace amongst criminals will never bring any peace and stability for people of Afghanistan, and there are no values and national interest for the murderous rulers. To achieve their interest, they step over any value. Only the presence of a democratic and popular government, one can speak of red line and high values of humanity.”

The gathering ended with further chanting of slogans.

SPA gathering
SPA gathering
SPA gathering
SPA gathering
SPA gathering


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