US Drone Attacks Killed Civilians in Achin District of Afghanistan
- Category: Reports
- Written by Solidarirty Party of Afghanistan
- Published: Saturday, 01 October 2016

28 September 2016: Villagers in Shidal village of Achin, Kunar – Afghanistan, had gathered to attend a returned Haji (pilgrimage). While busy preparing lunch for the guests, US’s two jet fighters and one drone attacked the mob, killing 14 people and wounded 16.

Bilal got injured in the attack and lost 5 family members.
As always, the corporate media turned a blind eye towards US government war crime. The Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA) representative met the wounded ones in Nangarhar Province public hospital.
Haji Ahmad Shah and Malik Abdul Hakim, two village elders and eye witnesses, recalled the incident:
“It was dooms day! I felt as if the dooms day has started, the dead and injured bodies were lying everywhere. I don’t know, if it was a bomb or something else, but in a moment it burned everything. Five people from a single family have been killed, a father and two sons and two cousins. Still, we don’t know, if 14 or more people are killed, because most of the corpses were not recognizable. We collected the body parts in sheets.”

Malik Abdul Hakim added:
“They are blaming us to be pro-Daesh. We are victims of Daesh crimes. Our life is in hell. We can’t go to our fields to pick the crops. We can’t go to city, because the National Police and Army are humiliating us. We hate Daesh. The government, itself, is supporting Daesh. In Khugyani District (Nangarhar Province), Daesh forces are brought by government helicopters, weapons and food are air-dropped to them, but then we are killed.”
The injured victims and their family members vowed, not to be silent, adding there are several times that US is killing them with different excuses, but then pretend to justify the crime but just saying, “Sorry”.

Zahidullah, a causality of the incident, who sells mobile cell top-up cards in Chawk Talashi, Jalalabad, said:
“I earn 100 to 150 Afghanis (USD 1.5 to 2.2) every day. On that day, everyone had gathered in the village to attend the feast arrange by Haji. I was there too. Suddenly, there was roar of planes and then I heard a frightening voice. Everyone felled everywhere. I went to shock and when I opened my eyes, I was in the hospital.”
This is not the first time when our poor people fell victim of US Army’s brutality. Recently, a number of US Army personnel, guiding drone planes, revealed that most of the attacks take place without prior knowledge of the targets, resulting in civilian causalities. The puppet government of Ghani-Abdullah has given impunity to US Army personnel, and they can’t be prosecuted in Afghanistan.