Hundreds of protestors from Solidarity Party of Afghanistan demand prosecution of war criminals

Their slogans also included, ‘Independence, democracy, social justice for the missing victims of the murderous Khalq-Parcham, factions (1992-1996), Taliban, and US forces’.

spa demo in kabul

Hundreds protested and demanded the public prosecution of the murders of the victims killed during Communist regime period, in Kabul city today.

The protest started this morning from the Shahe Do Shamshera ziarat area. They raised slogans such as ‘war criminals and demolishers of our country should be publicly prosecuted’, while heading towards Zarnigar park.

Engineer Hafizullah Rasikh, the political and organizational representative of the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan told PAN that they are protesting because thousands of intellectuals were killed during the Communist regime of Khalq and Parcham and a list of their names had been released recently.

The Attorney General of Holland released the names of 5000 Afghans who were killed during the Communist regime from 1978-1979 (1357-1358). The Dutch government released the list based on the claims of an Afghan asylum-seeker named Amanullah in Holland.

Amanullah sought asylum in Holland in 1993 and for his acceptance, he confessed that he had been the head investigator in AGSA (intelligence bureau during Soviet intervention) and had tortured and killed many Afghans there.

Rasikh said that this trend has continue till today and hundreds have been killed by the Taliban.

He added, “These murderers should be arrested and prosecuted publicly.”

Baqi Samandar, an activist of the Civil Society and one of the protesters, said that they want the criminals to be put on trial and they should be prosecuted legally and publicly.

He added, “The current government will end in about seven months, if they are faitful then they have to publicly prosecute these criminals in these seven months.”

The protesters were carrying dummies of several members of the Communist regime with red ropes hung around their necks.

They also carried dummies with the photos of Sultan Ali Kishtmand, Dastgir Panjsheri, Asadullah Sarwari, Sulayman Layeq, Shahnawaz Tanai, Kabir Ranjbar, Noorulhaq Uloomi, Zahir Taneen, Bariq Shafee, Khalil Roman, General Waahid Taqat, Said Mohammad Gulabzoy, Daud Panjsheri, Habib Mangal, Suraya Parlika, Suraya Popal, Seema Shadan, Abdullah Shadan, Farid Mazdak, Faqir Mohammad Faqir, Javed Kohistani, Khalil Zemar, Mir Afghan Bawari, Anahita Ratibzada, Nabi Azeemi, Maiwand, Malik Sitez, Ewaz Nabizada, Abdullah Nahibi, Baheen, Abdul Hameed Mohtat, Zuhoor Razemjo, and Jameela Palwasha.

Their slogans also included, ‘Independence, democracy, social justice for the missing victims of the murderous Khalq-Parcham, factions (1992-1996), Taliban, and US forces’.

The Solidarity Party of Afghanistan was established in 2004 and according to its representatives, this party has thousands of members and most of their activities are in Kabul, Farah, Kunar, Ningarhar, Balkh, Takhar, and Bamyan.

The families of the martyred, demanded the government to find the graves of the victims and the placement of 5000 slates with the photos of victims in the presidential palace of the Pule Charkhi prison.

SOURCE: PAN (Translated by RAWA)


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