Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA) is a political party, established on 17th April 2004, by a group of progressive and pro-democracy intellectuals. The founders of the party have the background of struggle against fundamentalist and non-fundamentalist reactionary forces, and for many years, were busy in underground struggle for justice in the difficult situations, imposed by traitor-to-the-people regimes.

SPA struggles for freedom, independence, democracy and social justice, and considers Afghanistan as an occupied country, ruled by a puppet regime. Our party is one of the few political forces in the country which doesn’t belong to any particular ethnic group or geographical location, and works within all walks of life and ethnic groups. Solidarity Party is mostly known for having protest rallies in different parts of the country, uncompromising and outspoken stand. The resolute and without any dealing-and-wheeling policies of the party have caused its members and supporters to be arrested and humiliated by security forces. In June 2012, SPA was banned, but later on due to pressure from Afghan citizens and support of international freedom-loving organizations and figures, the Afghan government stepped back.

SPA’s activates are run with the funds from party membership fee and donations from likeminded individuals and organizations. SPA is growing rapidly with high demands for membership, especially from youths, who consider this party as an alternative for a prosperous and free Afghanistan. Hambastagi Ghag (Voice of Solidarity) is the official monthly gazette of the party, published in Dari and Pashto.

Our Objectives
• A united, independent, free and democratic Afghanistan;
• National unity on the basis of an established, consolidated, secular-based democracy;
• Equality among women and men, and all ethnic groups in the country;
• Struggle against all brands of fundamentalism, reactionary forces and foreign interference;
• Immediate withdrawal of US-NATO occupation forces from Afghanistan;
• Defending the emancipatory and progressive struggles of captive nations of the world.

How You Can Help?
• Join us and become an active member of the party (for Afghans only);
• Introduce SPA objectives and activities within your community;
• Arrange fund raising events;
• Donate electric devices such as digital camera, laptop etc.;
• Translate our statements and articles into your language;
• Like and share our social media pages.

Contact Us
+93 700 23 15 90
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How You Can Help?
• Join us and become an active member of the party (for Afghans only);
• Introduce SPA objectives and activities within your community;
• Arrange fund raising events;
• Donate electric devices such as digital camera, laptop etc.;
• Translate our statements and articles into your language;
• Like and share our social media pages.

Contact Us
+93 700 23 15 90
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«حزب همبستگی افغانستان» برای پیشبرد فعالیت هایش به خاطر یک افغانستان مستقل، آزاد، دموکراتیک و خوشبخت به حق‌العضویت اعضا و اعانه هواداران و دوستدارانش اتکا دارد.

با کمک های نقدی تان ما را در مبارزه سخت علیه متجاوزان خارجی و خاینان داخلی یاری دهید:

کمک های پولی تانرا میتوانید در حساب بانکی ذیل واریز نمایید:

برای دالر امریکایی:

Azizi Bank
Koti-e-Sangi Branch, Kabul, Afghanistan
Beneficiary Name: Sayed Mahmood
Beneficiary Address: House No.614, Street 5, Rahman Mina, Kabul, Afghanistan
Beneficiary Account No: 001903204644917
Swift Code: AZBAAFKA

Correspondent Bank Details:

Commerz Bank A.G. Frankfurt, Germany
USD A/C No: 400870106200 USD

لطفاً بعد از ارسال وجوه نقدی تان ما را از طریق ایمیل مطلع سازید: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

قبلا و باربار از همکاری و کمک تان سپاسگزاریم.

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